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“LinkedIn cannot be missing within a good online marketing strategy!”

This is the reason for creating the Wemessage Academy. We are a training and communication agency that provides online and offline training in the field of Personal Branding , Storytelling and Social Selling . We specialize in the LinkedIn platform. In addition to providing training, we can also be deployed as a remote LinkedIn marketing team. With our LinkedIn Content Service we support clients with creating valuable content for LinkedIn. We believe our connections can benefit from it.

Wemessage Academy

The Wemessage Academy was founded by Wemessage , a full service web and marketing agency. We believe in the power of teamwork, that’s why we do everything together. Not only working together as a team, but certainly also with our connections and partners.

Our team

The team consists of 20 professionals, an office dog and a parrot. Also, the talents from different disciplines, starting from copywriter to web developer, combine forces to succeed each project. Our culture is competitive, in a positive sense. Not only during the table tennis and pool tournaments, but also to take the results of our assignments to a higher level. Ultimately, our goal is to guarantee quality.

Onze opdrachtgevers over ons

I am lucky that in my current role I meet inspiring people every day. I am challenged and my creativity never runs out. But how do you ensure that you create good content that you can share it with the rest of the world? Because that’s what I wanted! And, just as important: how do you introduce structure, so that you actually take and continue to take the time for it? The Wemessage Academy was the answer for me! The combination of good listening skills, mountains of creativity and the fact that you work with experts in their field ensures that what goes on in your head is converted into catchy and inspiring content. What I know now is how to share with my network more and do it in a more structured way. Rosemary and Germain, you are the best!

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Kenneth Leenders

Expat Mortgages

The Wemessage Academy, and especially Germain Henriquez, has made me aware of the power and possibilities of my LinkedIn network. With their personal approach and sincere personal attention, Wemessage has convinced me that I can show (even) more of myself on LinkedIn. I personally thought this was reserved for Facebook. I have seen that personal messages, for example about my deviating shoe preference, can lead to a lot of positive reactions on LinkedIn. For that reason, it can also contribute to expanding your network and your reach. I recommend Wemessage to other professionals who think they ‘don’t have time’ for social media (it will save you time) or who, like me, had prejudices about LinkedIn.

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Henk Janssen

Expat Mortgages

The Wemessage Academy has provided me with valuable insights. Make sure you know what you are talking about and that you know how to communicate a message in an empathetic and authentic way. If you want to be more visible, applying a strategy is essential. You have to think carefully about the following things: What do you want to achieve? How do you want to achieve that? And why do you want to achieve that? It is extremely important to present your message properly so that is received by your target group.

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Marguerite Soeteman-Reijnen


Topvrouwen.nl has alerted a group of enthusiastic ‘top women’ to Wemessage’s Content is Queen training program. Germain and the team of Wemessage Academy enthusiastically immerged us ladies in the world of LinkedIn. They took us on a voyage of discovery in which each of us was able to discover how we can make optimal use of LinkedIn. It was not only a technical behind the scenes look with “tips and tricks”, but a stimulating environment in which people learn from each other. It was not only useful, but but resulted in having super fun and making new friendships. In short, social media at its best! Thank you very much for the great sessions, I can really recommend you wholeheartedly!

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Edith Nordmann

ACG International

The online training Content is Queen was a joy to participate in. Germain Henriquez has taught me with great enthusiasm how to build my brand on LinkedIn in my own personal way. Already with receiving help with a variety of different posts, drawing up my own brand identity “passport” and other handy tips and trips, I’ve improved a lot. This training has by far exceeded my expectations!

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Astrid Ton


The Wemessage Academy has helped us think about and produce content. The aim was showing who we are, what we do and why we do this via LinkedIn. Wemessage ensures that you become aware of what LinkedIn can do for you as a person and as well as a company. Especially the enthusiastic and pure form of passion that Germain transfers during the course stimulates enormously. I would definitely recommend Wemessage Academy, because the way knowledge is transferred and the enthusiasm shown during the course is contagious.

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Henk van Dijk


Germain has changed my view on LinkedIn. He showed me and my colleagues how valuable a good LinkedIn profile is. I have learned how to properly profile myself. He showed us that just using a cover photo and certain colors can evoke a certain feeling. Germain always has the right tips for creating content for me. With his strong content, he is a great source of inspiration. I always get excited when I see his stories. All this ensures that I am constantly challenged to share more of myself.



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Lorraine Strampel

Young Capital